3XS371041 Data Science for Social Sciences

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
## What you will learn
- Fundamental Python programming skills
- Statistical concepts and how to apply them in practice
- Gain experience with the Scikit, including data visualization with Plotly and data wrangling with Pandas
Program overview 课程简介
This course focuses on the use of R statistical language for handling, investigating and displaying data, with a particular focus on data related to population studies. Practical hands-on exercises will be emphasised throughout the course to build up participants R experience. No prior knowledge of R is necessary, although participants should be comfortable using computers to handle data sets in statistical software (such as SPSS or Stata) and spreadsheets (such as Excel). Upon completion of this course, students will be familiar with the R environment, its basic functions and more advanced methods from some of the most popular R packages for importing, manipulating and visualising data.
## Courses in this program
The course involves five sections:
- An introduction to R, including basic R functions, accessing R packages and using RStudio effectively.
- Visualising data in R using the ggplot2 package, including basic charts, facet plots and maps.
- Creating simple dynamic visualisations such as animations and interactive plots using the gganimate and shiny packages.
- Managing demographic data in R using the tidyverse suite of packages, including reading data of different formats into R and summarising, combining and reshaping data within R.
- Using R markdown to efficiently turn your analyses into high quality documents, reports and presentations. Students will gain experience in each of these areas through lectures interspersed with practical computing exercises and homework assignments. Besides experience of handling data using statistical software, participants should also have a basic knowledge of demography, mathematics and statistics.
Meet your instructor
Guy AbelFAQs
Are there prerequisites?
There are no prerequisites for the course.
How often do the courses run?
Once a year, typically in the first semester.