The form and evolution of international migration networks

Presently, there is no agreed upon data‐driven approach for identifying the geographic boundaries of migration networks that international migration systems are ultimately manifested in. Drawing from research on community detection methods, we …

Analyzing the Effect of Time in Migration Measurement Using Geo-referenced Digital Trace Data

Georeferenced digital trace data offer unprecedented flexibility in migration estimation. Because of their high temporal granularity, many migration estimates can be generated from the same data set by changing the definition parameters. Yet despite …

International remittance flows and the economic and social consequences of COVID-19

One of the possible consequences of the tightening of international borders during and after pandemic COVID-19 is what the World Economic Forum refers to as the ‘throttling’ of international (labour) migration. While this will have a profound …

Driving Factors of Asian International Migration Flows

Migration from, to and within Asia are believed to capture many of the largest flows in the world yet very little is known about the specific patterns and factors contributing to them. In this paper, utilising recent estimates of five-year bilateral …

Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries

Data on stocks and flows of international migration are necessary to understand migrant patterns and trends and to monitor and evaluate migration-relevant international development agendas. Many countries do not publish data on bilateral migration …

Climate, Conflict and Forced Migration

Despite the lack of robust empirical evidence, a growing number of media reports attempt to link climate change to the ongoing violent conflicts in Syria and other parts of the world, as well as to the migration crisis in Europe. Exploiting bilateral …

Estimates of Global Bilateral Migration Flows by Gender between 1960 and 2015

An indirect estimation method is used to derive country to country migration flows from changes in global bilateral stock data. Estimates are obtained over five- and 10-year periods between 1960 and 2015 by gender, providing a comprehensive picture …

Bowling together: scientific collaboration networks of demographers at European Population Conferences

Studies of collaborative networks of demographers are relatively scarce. Similar studies in other social sciences provide insight into scholarly trends of both the fields and characteristics of their successful scientists. Exploiting a unique …

Non-zero trajectories for long-run net migration assumptions in global population projection models

Little attention is given to the role of migration in global population projection models. Most demographers set future levels of net migration on trajectories towards zero in all countries, nullifying the impact of migration on long-run projected …

Subnational gender balances in South Korea

Within one generation, the South Korean economy developed from one of the poorest countries in the world during the 1950s to a developed, high-income country by the end of the 1990s. During the latter part of this period, South Korea (hereafter …