Background Sankey plots have been used to visualize bilateral migration many times. My favorite examples of Sankey plots for migration data tend to be when there are only few regions or countries.
Over the last year or so I have been playing around with different ways of showing changing global bilateral migrant stocks, adapting the animation code I created for the plots for region to region flows in this estimation paper.
We have had a number of requests for the R code to replicate the plots in our paper on internal migration in China. The code below will produce a similar looking plot, but I have taken out some of the arguments that were very specific to our plot that will not replicate well for other data.
During the last few months I have given some introductory talks on international migration in Asia and Europe. I had a couple of requests to share the animated chord diagrams that I created for others to use in their teaching materials.
Background A little while ago my paper in International Migration Review on global migration flow estimates came out online. The paper includes a number of directional chord diagrams to visualize the estimates.